Addressing Unfair Trade Practices in ASEAN to Protect Small Businesses and Consumers

Jakarta, Indonesia

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS), in collaboration with the Indonesian Centre for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) organized the 2nd Policy Dialogue in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 19th, 2012 under the project titled “Study on Unfair Trade Practices in select ASEAN countries”. The project is being implemented in five ASEAN countries i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam with support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Canada).

The 2nd policy dialogue, following the successful results of the 1st policy dialogue organized in September 12th, 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), aimed to discuss relevant issues and further the advocacy agenda on the same in the ASEAN region. The policy dialogue comprised of a half-day public seminar, during which partners, advisors and the project implementation team of the project presented the project findings and recommendations on Indonesia as well as the whole ASEAN region with regard to the nature and prevalence of UTPs in each country, their impacts on business growth and consumer welfare, the legal and regulatory framework as well as institutions to deal with them, and a summary of different stakeholders’ perspective on UTPs, etc.


There were about 40 participants in the event including representatives of government agencies such as the Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (KPPU), the Ministry of Trade, the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI), representatives of law firms and press agencies, project partners, advisors and the project implementation unit.

Presentations for the 2nd policy dialogue:

·         Deunden Nikomborirak_Unfair Business Practices in ASEAN

·         Ningrum Sirait_Study on Unfair Trade Practices in Indonesia

Older events:

·        Dissemination of Evidence on Unfair Trade Practices in ASEAN: Evidence Based Policy Making